I do it MYSELF!

Parents love to see their young children learning new skills – feeding themselves, reading “c-a-t”, or putting their own shoes on. When our kids got to be a certain age, they had a favorite saying. It came a little bit after some of their other favorites, “Mine!” and “No!”. The saying was, “I do it MYSELF!” It wasn’t willful disobedience; it was a desire to show that they really could do something that we had shown them how to do.  They eagerly, but often painstakingly slowly, sounded out each letter while we inwardly willed them to form each sound. And it was usually when we were late to get somewhere that they absolutely wanted to try again to “make bunny ears” to tie their shoes by themselves. I don’t need to tell you that we were sometimes more patient than other times.


Can you imagine the God of the universe, patiently, generously, inwardly willing you to be obedient to His Word? Can you imagine his loving instruction as you try over and over again to get it right? Picture the Father’s calm but unsurprised disappointment when you fail and He gently helps you to try again. Imagine His joy-filled celebration when you triumph… and then he gently shows you the next challenge in your quest for maturity.


Philippians 2:12 and 13 says, “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” God longs to see His children mature and fulfill the purpose for which we were saved, “…to shine as lights”. (v. 15)


Paul rejoiced at the Philippians’ progress and told them they should rejoice, too! (v. 17 and 18) Nothing beats seeing your child tie that knot and run outside to play. Or finish reading a book, look up at you with a big smile and say, “Can I have another one?”


See you Sunday!


In Christ alone,
