
Dear friends,

How many expectations are there going into marriage – can you count that high? Do those of you who have children, “expect” anything from them?  How about you grandparents – any hopes and dreams for your grandchildren?

What does God expect from you?  The question is not new and God’s answer to that age-old question isn’t new either.

I looked up expect:

  • To anticipate or look forward to the coming or occurrence
  • To consider reasonable, due, or necessary expected hard work from the students
  • To consider bound in duty or obligated they expect you to pay your bills

Did God expect anything from His people under the Old Covenant?  Did Jesus expect anything when He came to His own – the Jewish nation?  Does Jesus the Bridegroom, expect something from His bride?  Does the Holy Spirit expect that He will bring forth fruit in the lives of those who He dwells in?

Here is a heart searching and perhaps heart wrenching question?  Can a so called “follower of Jesus” expect to go to heaven if there is no fruit in his/her life?

As most of you know we are in a series on the Holy Spirit!  I want to share with you this Sunday about how the Holy Spirit’s produces fruit in the lives of Jesus’ followers. (not just the fruit of the Spirit)

If you would like to prepare for Sunday; then pray and meditate on these passages that deal with fruit in God’s people – Isaiah 5:1-7; Luke 13:6-9; Gal. 5:16-24.

Looking forward to seeing you and expecting that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us into His truth.

Only by grace can we enter and only by grace can we stand,
