Pop Quiz

How are you with taking tests? Are you the kind that breezes in without a worry in the world, having briefly looked over the material the night before? Or are you one of those who prepares for weeks ahead of time, stays up all night before the test, and still sweats every minute until the test is over? (Or maybe somewhere in between?) Almost EVERYONE responds to the words “Pop Quiz” with at least a groan, if not complete panic.

We’re all very familiar with taking tests, especially after COVID. Whether you are at the DMV, the doctor’s office, or looking on the school website, we all know that feeling of wondering, “What kind of grade did I get? Will I pass or fail?”

In John 6 Jesus gives a pop quiz to his disciples, but also to the great crowd that is gathered with him on the shore of the sea of Galilee. Like any good teacher, he gives a beautiful object lesson with fish and bread and then the lesson begins. Over the next four weeks we’ll dig into this amazing event and its ties to Passover, Moses and the Exodus, the true nature of the promised Messiah, and most importantly, the identity of Jesus.

It’s also a wonderful Sunday to celebrate our communion with Christ through the Lord’s Supper. Speaking of meals, we had a wonderful time with so many of our guests last Sunday. We hope any and all will come to our six week “Discover” class starting this Sunday.  Whether you’re new to Valley Church or you’ve been around for years, this class is for you. Join us at 10:45 in room 3231 and learn more about our church, our faith, and ways to grow deeper in your relationship with God and our church family. (Don’t worry, they don’t give “pop quizzes”!) Contact info@valleychurch.org for more info.

In Christ,

Extra Credit: As far as I can tell, there’s only one person in this whole story who passes the test. Can you figure out who it is?