for 2020


The performance is just the end of a longer process of learning the music together. By no means is this invitation to join the concert just permission to drop-in on the last day! Those who wish to participate in the Cupertino Chorus Magnus are expected to regularly attend the choir rehearsals (typically Wednesday or Thursday evening) of any one of the participating churches between Easter and the event. All of the churches are learning the same music, so you may take your pick of any of them. You're not required to sing with that choir on Sunday mornings, although it would be great if you would.
Performance attire: black slacks or skirt with brightly colored shirts or blouses; black shoes.
- Black is not dark blue or brown. Black is black.
- Any bright color top is OK.
- Solid colors are better than patterns, stripes, or plaids.
- Highly saturated Jewel tones are better than low saturation pastels.
- Jewel tones are Topaz, Amethyst, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Turquoise, but not Diamond or Onyx. No white or black.
We don't have a lot of time to rehearse with each other at the final joint rehearsal. To be respectful to the other singers, please encourage your troops to arrive on time, even early. Pick up your name tag on the way in. In order to get done we need to move right along. Each director gets just 15 minutes with their song. If anybody can get by with less, so much the better.
09:00 rehearsal begins, First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View 11:56 Final instructions 12:00 Pizza Lunch!! Gluten-free options will be available. If you have other dietary restrictions, please plan on providing your own lunch. Sit with a friend you haven't met yet! Please contribute $5/person to help cover costs.
After-Concert Fellowship
Please bring a plate of finger food for our after-concert fellowship time. Suggested items include fruit, cookies, brownies, cheese and crackers, etc. Anything that can easily be eaten with your fingers. We recommend you bring your food item on a paper plate or other disposable carrier. If your food item is specifically gluten-free, please label it as such. We ask that, before you leave, you come and collect any leftover food that you brought. Any leftovers will be tossed.