Posts from October 2017


Dear Church Family, Recently I was driving to my daughter’s soccer game when I snapped a picture of a Jeep with the license plate “ALLGRNZ.” As a church family on pilgrimage, we’ve been on different surfaces this week (although we’re all heading to same ultimate destination). Louise Winsor is on El Camino Hospital soil where…

Law and Grace

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Earlier this year, I got an envelope in the mail.  These days, when you get physical mail, people get excited about it.  This one though, wasn’t such a good one to receive.  Yes, I know, I should do my civic service as a citizen of this country, but I was being…


Dear Friends, By now most of us have heard of someone we know who has suffered loss due to the “raging fires!” Questions abound when tragedies like Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Las Vegas and now Northern CA take place! Answers however are in short supply! The word “fire” is mentioned 519 times in my…

Another catastrophic and heart-breaking day!

Dear friends, Today is a tragic day in our nation as we all have heard by now the senseless murders in Vas Vegas!  Dreams have been crushed, hearts have been shattered and torrents of tears flow!  catastrophic. Today, questions abound afresh but answers are few and far between. What we can do is pray as,…