Worship and Welcome Ministry Teams 
These teams impact people’s lives through worship, care and fellowship. Below are the areas of ministry and brief descriptions for each team.
Welcome Team
- Coffee serving team – prepare and serve coffee out on the patio after services. Our coffee team serves once a month, on a rotation basis. Contact Thomas Sorrentino.
- Greeters – serve to welcome everyone to our worship services by greeting people by the main doors of our worship center. Our greeters mostly serve once a month. Contact Glen Miller.
- Ushers – serve in the worship services helping with welcoming, seating, offering and communion. Most of our ushers serve on a weekly basis. Contact Glen Miller.
Worship Team
- Audio – help to run the sound system during our services. Contact Lisa Chen.
- Valley Handbell Academy – work as an ensemble to make beautiful music together and help facilitate traditional worship service. Contact Dave Ruder.
- Visual – help to run the projectors for our services. Contact Martin Gates.
- Video – help run the cameras for livestreaming and recorded worship service. Contact Dennis Mack.
- Worship Team – help facilitate worship service. Contact Lisa Chen.
You can contact any Welcome or Worship Team Ministry Lead using our Contact page.