What matters to God?

Dearly beloved,

In March of 1996 I was holding my dad’s hand in our bedroom surrounded by 2 of my sisters, Patty, Kelley, and Glen when he took his last breath on planet earth. It was a painful separation from the father who I had known and loved for 53 years.  He was suddenly gone!

Unfortunately, thousands of people are taking their last breath because of COVID 19 every day around the world – over 700,000 have now died! I do not know what the last couple of hours or the last few seconds are like for them. I am sure it is not pleasant!

We are all one breath away from what?  Friends, that is not a trivial question and the answer is – nothing or something! Perhaps there are more options, but I cannot think of one – can you? If the answer is nothing, then what is the purpose of life’s existence?  If the answer is nothing why are people so plagued, terrified, anxious, confused and tormented in times like these?

If the answer is something, it begs the question, what?  If you searched the internet regarding “something,” you would find a plethora of religious options, philosophical sentiments and endless but often meaningless ideologies. How does one go about deciphering what is true and what isn’t reality? Do you know what you believe and why you believe it?  Do you believe it beyond a shadow of a doubt and does your lifestyle reinforce your convictions?

The World Health Organization along with thousands in the health care world are scrambling to find answers, cures, medicines, and countless ways of preventing the spread of this deadly “virus.” Extreme measures are being taking by governments around the world, as well they should to protect their citizens!

If you asked me, “Glen, what happens after one’s last breath?” My unpretentious, straight forward and yet hopefully insightful answer would be – eternity! You know what it means – time without end, infinity, and perpetuity.

The Judeo-Christian worldview is that God has set eternity in the heart of every man, woman, boy and girl. That includes your heart!  Many, other worldviews exist but only one is right – which one?

This Sunday we will attempt to get your hearts and minds around one of the most terrifying passages of Scripture in all the Bible.

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”  Matt. 7:21-23

Does Jesus know you?  Do you know Him?  After your last breath I am firmly convinced that you will make your “grand entrance” into the presence of God almighty.  How do you think that will go for you?  How about your children, grandchildren and friends?

Please continue to take your temperature, cover your mouth, wash your hands and put on your mask – but don’t practice any “social distancing” from one who will say to so many after their last breath – “depart from me I never knew you.” Some things in life are serious!

We are preparing for an outdoor service on Sunday afternoon August 23 at 5:30 pm.  We will have sign- ups this Wednesday on our website for the first 60 people!  Please continue to connect with one another and check out afresh all the opportunities on our website.

Because you matter to Jesus,
