COVID 19 resolutions?

Dear friends,

Have you made any resolutions since COVID 19?  If so, what are they and have you broken any? Many “New Year’s Resolutions” do not even make it until the end of January, but why? It normally is not due to “bad intentions.”

Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), was an American revivalist preacher, philosopher, and Protestant theologian. Edwards is widely regarded as one of the America’s most important and original philosophical theologians. In 1722 at the age of 19 he started recording 70 resolutions for which he is famous for to this day.  He prefaced his resolutions with this statement and resolved to read all of them over once a week.

“Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God’s help, I do humbly entreat him by his grace to enable me to keep these Resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to His will, for Christ’s sake.”

At least two of the 70 dealt with “thinking about death and standing before the Judge of all the earth.”  Most of us do not remind ourselves weekly that “It is appointed for a man to die once and then the judgment.”  Heb. 9:27

Jesus, as we conclude what we refer to as, “The Sermon on the Mount” is pressing the fact that we need to be ready to meet the Creator and the King of the universe.  Are you anticipating that day?  Jesus will have a private (or maybe not so private) conversation with you “on that day.”

I want to share with you this Sunday 5 resolutions that should be part of all our lives as Jesus’ followers from the past verses in Matthew 7.  Here is link to Edwards 70 resolutions:

Please check out the other opportunities to connect with one another on our valley website.  Some of you have been tuning in to our “Joel Moments.”  Here is a link to a song that was played yesterday. “A Lament from Psalm 38” Link @ Kelley’s Soul Songs:

I hope you will join us this Sunday for our time together in worship and in His Word. Please read and meditate on Matthew 7:21-29.  You are building your life on something or someone?  Will the foundation of your life stand on “judgment day?”

Until all hear,
