Meet your Instructor

MasterClass is a streaming platform that makes it possible for anyone to watch or listen to hundreds of video lessons taught by 100+ of the world’s best. Each class is taught by a world-renowned expert in their field. You can learn to cook with Gordon Ramsey, make movies with Ron Howard, shoot 3 pointers with Steph Curry, or coach championship basketball teams with Glen Miller (coming soon).

If you asked most people today who “The Rock” is, they’d probably tell you it is a popular movie star and former wrestling champ. Yes, our instructor is named “The Rock”, but we aren’t going to be learning about how to make action films or perform a “diving pointed elbow drop”. Our teacher is none other than “The Rock”, aka Simon Bar-Jonah, aka Simon Peter, aka “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ”.

As we begin a new series this Sunday, we are going to meet our instructor for the next several months. We’ll see Peter’s unique and somewhat counterintuitive qualifications for teaching us how to live holy lives in a hostile world. I encourage you to start reading this short but powerful book ahead of time. God wants you to be ready when the challenges of life and the costs of living for Christ confront you in life’s “ring”. While your opponents might not be named “Stone Cold” or “The Undertaker” or “Hulk Hogan” like some pro wrestlers are, you’ll need every lesson our teacher “The Rock” has to share through his letter simply called First Peter.

Talk about a battle! Many of our global partners are serving in very challenging places! Valley Church will be hosting our annual Global Outreach Conference “Unrestricted Gospel” on January 16-17, 2021. On Saturday, January 16 from 9:00am-11:00am, there will be breakout sessions hosted by various global partners. On Sunday January 17 global partners from “restricted” countries will speak both in the morning services live and online and Sunday evening online only, followed by online breakout sessions hosted by additional global partners. Due to security issues with our global partners, we need you to sign up ahead of time HERE.

Don’t forget we’ll have ONE outdoor service this Sunday at 10:45 AM. Bring your own lawn chair and/or blanket. Please Register ASAP for the 10:45am Church on the Grass Worship Service with this LINK.  Please read through the instructions on safety before you attend. If you are unable to join the outdoor service, please attend one of our two online options. Just visit and click on the colorful Join us online  banner.

Finally, you need to relax! Several of our pastors and elders are hosting online Coffee Connection groups on various days and times during the week. Grab your computer and a cup of your favorite coffee (or energy drink), and join us for fellowship, reflection, and prayer.  Please contact for information on how to participate.

OK I’m off to practice my “Flying Missile Dropkick” wrestling move. See you on Sunday.

In Christ,
