Death to Life?

It was so great to come together last Sunday as we were able to reopen our doors! Whether you were inside, on the lawn, or online, we are glad you joined us. We celebrated six baptisms and what a joyous time it was. We continued in our series, “Beloved: Welcome to the Family of God” by examining how we have been selected into God’s family. This week we will change gears a little by looking at how we are awakened into a relationship with God in Ephesians 2:1-7.

Have you ever heard the saying “measure twice, cut once”? This phrase is used in construction, woodworking, and even arts and crafts. The goal is obvious – we want to take the extra time to make sure our measurements are correct rather than rushing and having to take the extra time and materials needed to fix our mistakes later.

I know this rule very well and have heard it hundreds of times. I even used to work in a warehouse building cabinets on a machine called a CNC router. Our measurements we did had to be very precise, down to the millimeter. I cannot tell you how many times I would measure once, twice, or even three times and still mess something up. I’d end up going to my boss, letting him know for maybe the third time that day that we needed to restart a cabinet.

As I began working on this message, I found myself trying repeatedly to measure something that is unmeasurable – the grace of God. It is so great, so vast, I cannot even begin to put words down to describe it. This Sunday I am going to do my very best at doing just that at our 10:45AM service, and I hope you will join us. We will also be doing communion this Sunday, so make sure to pick up the communion elements as you walk into the sanctuary or to find your seat on the grass.

Some are still concerned about the safety of meeting together indoors. We understand and hope you will continue to join us outdoors on the grass or online for our live-stream service. We’re asking unvaccinated people who come indoors to wear masks. Anyone of you who are unvaccinated and cannot wear a mask are welcome to join us on the grass or online as well. You can find the live-stream of our worship service on our church’s YouTube channel:

Please remember that right after the service on Sunday we are having our “Family Meeting” in the Activities Center at 12:15PM. If you have not already done so, please RSVP to the Invitation to the Huddle sent earlier. If you are unable to attend the Huddle in person (RSVP’d no), you can still attend online via Zoom. Email for Zoom details.
