Broken Relationships

Dearly Beloved,

Fill in the blank, “If it ain’t broken don’t __________? What if it is broken? Most of us would respond by saying, “then fix it!” However, there are some things that are exceedingly difficult to fix, and broken relationships top the list.

The history of human life from Adam and Eve forward is the history of breaking. Such brokenness extends way beyond broken toys, broken dishes, and broken bones. Nowhere do we feel the pain of brokenness more profoundly than in our relationships, especially family. Rifts develop, words are spoken, emotions flair, offenses occur, and alienation begins. It seems apparent that the only way to avoid broken relationships is to live alone on a desert island but even there one must deal with oneself.

We all know the signs of brokenness:  

  • Conflict
  • Avoidance
  • Silence
  • Anger
  • Withdrawal
  • Enlisting allies

Diagnosing the problem seems the most obvious place to begin. We do not need to look any further than the third chapter in the Bible. Adam and Eve broke the relationship that God had firmly established. We call it sin, transgression, rebellion, and disobedience.

We were reminded last week from chapter 17 in “The Story” that the Northern and Southern Kingdoms fell because of breaking, especially the first 4 commandments. Broken commandments result in broken relationships. But we learned that reconciliation always starts with confession and repentance. Jeremiah and the prophets continually called God’s people to return! Whether it be in our relationship with the Lord, family, friends, or coworkers, the starting point is always humility. It may seem ironic but the way to healing is brokenness!

This Sunday we come to Chapter 18, “Daniel in Exile.” How did he end up in Babylon? I think you have a good idea. The amazing thing is that Yahweh did not give up on His chosen people.  We are going to see how a man like Daniel lived as an alien in a godless culture! Our wonderful Savior is not going to give up on you either.

Friends, as Christ followers we are aliens and strangers on this fallen planet and the book of Daniel has some critical lessons that we all must learn if we are going to be victors instead of victims. My title this Sunday is, “The Mystery of the Kingdom of God!” I know it is late in the week, but reading the entire book before Sunday would be helpful and a blessing!

Because His sovereignty rules over all,