Who are you?

Dear Friends,

Who are you? Ok, I am quite convinced that you have not forgotten your name but “who are you really” – your identity?

This question “who are you” is in our text this Sunday as we continue in our series, “Believe.” The priests and Levites from Jerusalem were sent to inquire about John the Baptist, and this is the first question they asked him. John confessed that he was not:

  • The Christ
  • Nor Elijah
  • Nor the Prophet

Who was he?

  • He was human, but not ordinary (John 1:6)
  • He was a lamp, but not the light (John 1:7)
  • He was a voice, but not the Word (John 1:23)
  • He was a witness, but humble (John 1:26-27)
  • He was a relative of Jesus, but never flaunted it (John 1:30)

Some say that John’s public ministry was less than a year and then his head was delivered on a platter. I told Kurt the other day – John prepared the way, pointed to the Way, and then got out of the way.

Who are you? Who are we? Among other things Jesus followers are forgiven sinners, way pointers, and the light of the world! I strongly encourage you to meditate on John 1:19-34 before Sunday and look for at least three things that John said regarding the identity of Jesus. Your eternal destiny rests on who Jesus is to you!

Because the Word became flesh,

P.S. How would you answer these two questions?

The greatest need of humanity since the beginning of time is _____________________?
The greatest need in my life today is _________________________________________?