The Hour Has Come

It was a beautiful day with the sun shining and a gentle breeze blowing at Stanford University. My heart was racing as I took to the blocks for the final race of my high school swimming career and, believe me, I felt the pressure of that moment. Four years of hard work, riding my bike to swim practice in the dark before school and after school until dark, and thousands of grueling laps, all came together for that 4X100 medley relay at CCS finals. Over those four years, what I had lacked in experience or ability I had made up for by working hard. I dreamed of setting a record, (which was possible), getting the medal, and having the stands full of fans erupt into applause as our team won the race. The starter said those wonderful and dreaded words, “Swimmers, take your marks…”

In John 12 Jesus says, “The hour has come.” He’s stating that the culmination of all he’s been working toward has arrived. It wasn’t a 60-minute stretch of time, but it was an event that would change the history of the world for all time. But unlike my desire for those 15 seconds of self-centered congratulations, Jesus did it for the eternal praise of God the Father when He said, “Father, glorify yourself.” And that’s just what God was doing through Jesus. And UNLIKE our methods of trying to be fastest, or smartest, or strongest, Jesus glorified God through the most unlikely of ways… by dying an unjust death on the cross for the very people who had rejected Him.

Prepare your heart to follow the example of Jesus in John 12:20-36 this Sunday at Valley Church in person at 10:45 AM or online.

What about my quest for glory? One of my teammates was disqualified so we didn’t even place in the standings! What I know now that I didn’t know then was that there is a better prize to seek —  “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.” 1 Tim 4:7-9

And speaking of one who fought the good fight – Please come and celebrate Lyman Taylor’s life with us on Sunday Feb 19th at Valley Church at 3:00 PM. I guarantee you that God will be glorified!

In Christ,