Fat chance or slim chance?

Dearly Beloved,

How can a “fat chance” and a “slim chance” mean the same thing? Can you imagine someone coming to the US and trying to understand how they basically do mean the same thing? Most of us know that they are idiomatic expressions used to describe the probability or likelihood of something happening.

A “fat chance” is used to express a high degree of skepticism or irony and suggests that something is very unlikely to happen. A “slim chance” suggests that something is possible but not very likely. Thus, a “fat chance” implies a very low likelihood of something happening, while “slim chance” suggests a greater but still relatively low probability.

We are in a 4-week series entitled, “He gets us!” The phrase “Jesus gets us” is often used to express the idea that Jesus understands us on a deep, intimate level. Throughout His earthly ministry, whether it be His teaching or His actions, Jesus demonstrated compassion and empathy towards those who were suffering or marginalized. He reached out to the poor, the sick, the oppressed, and the outcast, and offered them hope, healing, and a sense of belonging.

Has He reached out to you? Has He touched you, and if so, how? Has He performed any healing in your troubled heart?

This Sunday we will examine afresh “The Remarkable Compassion of Jesus”. The passage we will focus on is Matthew 9:35-39:

Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every sickness. Seeing the crowds, He felt compassion for them because they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”

Be assured dear friend that “He gets you.” The real question in your life is, “Do you get Him?” If you do not know or understand Him, then there isn’t even a “fat chance” or a “slim chance” that you are living an abundant life or have eternal life!

However, “today is the day of salvation,” so if you hear His voice today do not harden your heart. Cry out to Him. Jesus not only understands your struggles and challenges, but He offers you forgiveness, comfort, healing, and hope in whatever trial, struggle, or temptation that you are facing!

Because He is alive,

P.S. We will have 8 baptisms at the end of our service!