Call the doctor!

Last Tuesday I contracted a severe case of hiccups. Now before you laugh, I assure you this was no small thing. Hiccups result from a sudden and involuntary contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. It not only made life difficult on me, but also on anyone around me. It really was annoyingly loud and violent and I was quickly invited to do my hiccupping elsewhere!

Three years ago I had these same epic hiccups and they lasted three days. I had tried every remedy known to humanity without relief. So I emailed my doctor to report my condition and ask for advice.

To my surprise, he did not email me back immediately. I was hoping for a “stat” prescription or at least a little sympathy. No, when he finally did email, he wrote, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick do.” OK, he didn’t say those words literally, but his meaning was the same.

In Matt. 9:9 to 13 Jesus said those words to contrast people who wanted and needed the help of a doctor, and those who didn’t. Some don’t want the help that Jesus brings to the sickness of sin in our lives. They are either too proud or too afraid to admit their need and often look down on others who are sick and are willing to admit it.

This Sunday we wrap up our “He Gets Us” series. I hope you know Jesus welcomes you and all your weaknesses with open arms. His prescription of love is focused and simple, “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:32  I hope you will come and be healed!

In Christ,