Finished or Unfinished?

Dearly Beloved,

Finished or unfinished? We all know what it is like:

  • A half-read book
  • A half-done project
  • An abandoned diet
  • The unreturned phone call
  • The almost sent email

We all, like sheep, have gone astray and have unfinished things cluttering up the highway of life. However, some are more serious:

  • The job we quit in anger
  • The wrecked marriage
  • The bills never paid
  • The promises never kept
  • The person we cannot forgive

Last Sunday we ended our time in the Scriptures with this verse, “Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.” John 19:30

Only one person in history never left behind any unfinished business. His name is Jesus of Nazareth or as Pilate stated, “the King of the Jews.”

It is finished” begs the question, “What exactly was finished and what was unfinished as Jesus was still on the cross when He uttered those words? This Sunday we will finish John 19 and I encourage you to meditate on John 19:31-42. Looking forward to worshipping with you!

Trusting His finished work,