Seeking Signs?

Dear Friends,

Are you a sign seeker? If so, why? I am not going to insult your intelligence because I suspect you know. Various reasons like uncertainty in decision making, comfort in painful times, confirmation of convictions, curiosity about the future, fear of wrong choices, as well as validation of beliefs.

We are coming to the close of our study in the gospel of John and our series entitled “Believe!” The last two verses that Kurt had in his passage last Sunday were John 20:30-31:

“Therefore, many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.”

We studied 7 major passages and the signs that John chose in his gospel were for the explicit purpose of revealing the glory of the Lord Jesus and His offer of eternal life to all who receive Him and believe in His name!

How is life working out for you? Are you living out the “abundant life” that Jesus promised in John 10:10! Maybe you are struggling and you just cannot figure it out? Welcome to the journey.

This Sunday my message is entitled, “Jesus, Friend of the Fallen!” Our Lord is going to reinstate Peter after he had denied Jesus 3 times and ran away with the rest of the disciples.

You know something about fear, transgression, anger, bitterness, temptation, sin, and failure. Ok, you know a lot just like I do!

What we need is a fresh “manifestation” of the heart of God for the fallen. Read John 21:1-14 and you will see how Jesus revealed Himself to His fallen chosen disciples. I think you will be encouraged! One of our pastors invited a friend last week and guess what? He came and we are  praying that he will come again. Why not do the same!

Tomorrow at 1:00 pm there will be a memorial service for Irvin Webster. Please continue to remember Mary and her precious family.

Remembering that failure is not final,