Extraordinary Hope

Like many of you, I’ve been following the story of the powerful earthquake that hit Morocco on Friday, Sept 9th. The UN estimates that approximately 300,000 people have been affected by the earthquake. At this point over 2,900 people have been killed with many still missing, presumed buried under the rubble of collapsed buildings. Rescue workers continue their search with the hopes of finding those who are still alive.

One of the most important tools for finding those who are still alive isn’t technological; it is specially trained dogs who navigate through the rubble and sniff out survivors. One unit of search dogs from Spain found 19 survivors as of Tuesday, Sept 12th. Each one of those rescued had stayed alive despite all the odds, hoping that they’d be found.

It’s been said that a person can live forty days without food, four days without water, four minutes without air, but only four seconds without hope. Most of us haven’t experienced this kind of trauma, but all of us know the necessity of hope. We can’t survive without it; whether our challenges are big or small compared to others, they are big to us!

This Sunday we start a new series called “Extraordinary Hope” from Hebrews 11. We will see real life people in the midst of crisis, chaos, and confusing circumstances. We will be challenged to take steps forward in our faith as God leads us THROUGH difficulties and He leads us TO greater levels of obedience and sacrifice.

Our Global Outreach Partners in the area of the earthquake have let us know they are OK and are actively working to bring relief in Jesus’ name to those who are suffering. Please keep them in prayer as they lovingly bring mercy, grace, and truth to those who are hurting.

Speaking of Global Outreach (GO), please mark your calendar for our GO Conference on Oct 8th after church, including lunch. You can sign up on Sunday on the church patio or follow the link HERE. See the website and bulletin for more details.

My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus and His righteousness!