Strangers in a Strange Land

As I write this note Valorie and I are sitting in Edmonton International Airport, having just come through US immigration. We were required to prove, through both physical and electronic means, that we were qualified to enter the United States of America. Our passports were carefully scrutinized by a very serious immigration officer with a gun on her hip, who eventually grunted, “Welcome back”. That seemed odd because we’re actually still in Canada as evidenced by the snow on the ground and the Tim Horton’s donuts available just around the corner from where we’re waiting for our flight.

Our text this Sunday talks about the heroes of the faith who, “…confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth”. (Heb. 11:13-16) They were out of place, not completely comfortable, and couldn’t really settle in. That’s exactly what God intended for THEM and also for US! This world is not intended to be home for Christians. Even when we’re “home” we’re not really “home”. We truly are “strangers in a strange land.” (Ex. 2:22)

That “displacement” can make life uncomfortable FOR us and make some people suspicious OF us. The Greek word for “strangers” in our text is where we get our word “xenophobia” – the fear or dislike of anything which is perceived as being foreign or strange. The comfort and pressure to “settle in” is a real danger – we can easily forget that this earth is not our home.

An old hymn goes, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full on His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” May that be true of all of us!

OK, just heard our boarding call… in French! Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Dieu vous bénisse,

P.S. Our dear sisters Yvonne Schaetzle and Niesje Rossi got their final boarding calls to claim their citizenship in heaven. We’re celebrating Yvonne on Nov. 5th at 1:30 pm and Niesje on Nov. 19th at 2 pm, both at Valley Church. All are invited.

P.P.S. Daylight Savings ends this weekend. Please remember to turn your clocks back one hour before coming to worship service.