Was Moses a Hegpytmidian?

At some point most of us have been through an identity crisis. The dictionary defines it as “a period of uncertainty and confusion in which a person’s sense of identity becomes insecure, typically due to a change in their expected aims or role in society.” For me, it was during my high school years and God used it to lead me to Christ. For others it may be earlier or later, but everyone eventually has to figure out their identity.

The missionary Dr. E. Stanley Jones said, “One does not know who he is until he knows whose he is.” This Sunday we’ll look at the journey of faith of none other than Moses from Hebrews 11:23-25. Talk about a mixed-up identity! Was he a Hebrew, an Egyptian, a Midianite…or a mix of all three?

Some of us have said, “I’m no hero!” when we’ve read the “Hall of Fame of Faith” in Hebrews 11. Believe me, you’ll be encouraged when you see the rocky road of insecurity, doubt, fear, pride, cowardice, and even murder, that Moses went through before he could stand before Pharoah and say, “Let my people go!”

Whether you think you are a hero or not, I think you’ll be encouraged this Sunday to take brave steps of faith forward in your walk with God.

See you then,