Authority and Accountability

In my early years of ministry, I discipled a young man of extraordinary athletic ability. It didn’t matter what sport he tried; he excelled in all of them. He was stronger, quicker, and better at any sport than anyone I knew. He truly was a “gifted” individual.

In Luke 19:11-27 Jesus tells the story of three servants who are all “gifted” by the king. Because he was the king, he could give them what he wanted, tell them to go to work, then return to find out how they’ve done.

It’s a story about the King’s authority and the servant’s accountability. Just like Darren reminded us a couple of weeks ago in the parable about the “unworthy slaves” Luke 17:7-10, Jesus is teaching about his lavish generosity TOWARD us, but also his expectations OF us. He also adds stern warnings to those who reject his authority altogether. It’s a sobering parable with powerful impact on all of us today.

My friend took his “gift” and worked very hard to develop it. He played quarterback at Cal State Hayward but then was drafted to his dream team – The Dallas Cowboys! He really was a “gifted” athlete, and he made the most of it.

Speaking of using our gifts, we’re very excited to welcome our new Lead Pastor Craig Shigyo this Sunday. He’ll be adding his gifts to our team and will start preaching on Feb. 9th. You are invited to a casual reception with Craig, Amanda, and the boys after the service in the Campus Center. I hope to see you there.
