Dear Saints of Valley Church,
The process of unpacking boxes after a move can be a tiring (and seemingly endless) process. However, looking through the contents of some of these boxes has provided an opportunity to revisit many cherished memories as we find new display locations for our pictures or artwork from our boys. Two of my boxes are filled with reminders from various trips and experiences from my life. They contain a ticket reminding me of watching a World Series game with my college roommates, a ram’s horn that reminds me of what it was like to walk through the Old City of Jerusalem, a sequoia cone that reminds me of walking in the shadow of the largest trees on the face of the earth. Each of these trinkets represents cherished memories of what, at the time, seemed like life-changing experiences. And yet, they’ll either gather dust on my new bookshelves or sit in a box in my garage. They represent cherished memories that make little impact on the reality of my plans for today or hopes for tomorrow.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we should ask if we do the same thing. Last week, we climbed the Mount Everest of Christianity by beholding the supremacy of Jesus Christ over all of creation, both the first creation (Colossians 1:15-17) and the new creation of his church (Colossians 1:18-20). Yet, how often do the theological memories of beholding Jesus Christ in all his supremacy and glory end up gathering dust on the bookshelves of our minds or hidden in a box in our mental garage? In our passage this week, Colossians 1:20-23, we see the Apostle Paul telling us that Christ’s supremacy is more than mere theological knowledge, more than a cherished memory of a sermon we’ve heard; he tells us that beholding Christ’s supremacy changes our reality.
So, this Sunday, remember to set your clocks forward for Daylight Savings Time and come worship King Jesus, whose supremacy transforms the very reality of how we see our lives.
By His strength and for His glory,
Craig Shigyo