Life Groups

We’d love to help you get connected into a Life Group.  Check our Groups Directory or Groups Directory organized by day and sign up today for a Life Group today!

community-groupWhy Life Groups?

God never meant for us to live life alone! The Christian life is about relationships and community. God uses other people to help us grow. Through life’s ups and downs we celebrate with each other and support one another. Life groups give us opportunity to develop deep, caring relationships. They provide an accepting environment where we can help each other study the Bible and apply its lessons to our lives. Life groups also provide us opportunity to serve one another, join in fellowship, worship, and prayer, and to encourage one another to reach out in service to our church community, our local community and even consider how we can impact the world with the love of Christ.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 tells us, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.”

How do I join a Life group?

Looking for a place where “Everyone knows your name?” Do you want to get more connected with the Valley Church Community? Follow the contact links below. Groups are active and forming in various times, places, ages, gender mixes, and languages.

How can I help start a Life group?

If you would like to investigate further the opportunity to be a host, leader, or be a leader’s “apprentice” for one of these new life groups, please contact us. We will provide training and tools which will equip you for these worthwhile facilitating ministries within our life groups.

Who do I contact for more information?

Contact Steve Noble, Pastor of Discipleship.