Truth or Consequences?

Dearly Beloved,

Most of you have not heard of the old game show called “Truth or Consequences.” On the show, contestants received two seconds to answer a trivia question correctly (usually an off-the-wall question that no one would be able to answer correctly, or a bad joke) before “Beulah the Buzzer” sounded. On the rare occasions when a contestant did answer correctly, the host would reveal that the question had multiple parts. Failing to complete this “truth” portion meant that the contestant had to face “consequences.”

We finish John 8 this Sunday. Twice in this chapter Jesus tells the Jews that unless they believe that He is the Messiah, they will die in their sin with severe consequences! The religious leaders on the other hand make these accusations against Jesus:

  • Your testimony is invalid 8:13
  • You are illegitimate 8:41
  • You are a half-breed 8:48
  • You have a demon 8:48
  • You are a liar 8:52
  • You are a blasphemer 8:59

Who is telling the truth and who is lying? Does it really matter? Jesus says it is a matter of life and death. As we celebrate Christmas, remember that Christ came into the world to save us from our sins and give us eternal life. Join us and I look forward to seeing you!

Because the Word became flesh,

P.S.  Invite someone to church this Christmas!