Triumph Over Death

When I was a young pastor, I needed lots of help navigating the more difficult parts of caring for a flock of people. I had been thoroughly trained in Biblical exegesis, leadership principles, Biblical languages, counseling, cross cultural skills, and a host of other academic exercises designed to equip Bible college and seminary students. But there was one thing that none of those classes prepared me for–death. In fact I shadowed a veteran pastor to my very first funeral which included an open casket.

Like many of us in the 20th century, I had been shielded from seeing death or even grave illness. I wasn’t able to attend the funerals of any of my grandparents and I hadn’t had any other family, friends, or acquaintances die.

Prior to the 20th century there probably wasn’t a person on earth who had NOT seen death up close. Either through old age, illness, or war, most people had watched loved ones die, had mourned their passing, and contemplated what was on the other side.

As we study John 11 this Sunday leading up to raising Lazarus, Jesus actually teaches His disciples, His close friends Martha and Mary, and even the mourners, BEFORE He does the miracle. But like every other miracle in the book of John, Jesus is revealing more and more about His identity and power, “so that you may believe”. What’s happening with Lazarus is just a preview of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, which opens the door to eternal life for all who believe in Him. What Jesus did changes everything–Lazarus is just the beginning!

Don’t forget that this Sunday our “Growth Hour” opportunities begin! You can find a list of classes and groups going from 9:30 am to 10:30 am here. Valorie and I are leading a class called “The Marriage Course”.  You can also join this class in the Campus Center, or on Zoom at 9:00 am.

Since attending that first memorial almost 40 years ago, I have been with many families in those last moments of earthly life and celebrated countless lives at memorial services. 1 Cor. 15:26 says that the last enemy to be destroyed is death. Until that day we walk by faith and trust what Jesus has done to bring us with Him into eternity!

See you on Sunday!