Invite ’em to “Come and see” this Sunday

Hey Church Family,

Before I forget, I just got a call from Tim Gildersleeve that our Shepherd’s Table Food Pantry is a little low. Let’s restock this week and next. Please drop off supplies (see the list of needed items at the bottom of this message) at the table on the patio with the sign that says “Shepherd’s Table Drop-Offs.”

Here are three reasons why this would be a great Sunday to invite someone new to church.

1. We’re all going to be together in one special place.  

Our whole church family will be together in the big building. That’s a lot of Holy-Spirit-filled people all in one location. Get your friend a cup of coffee (thanks to Patio Perks!) and come on in. He or she can see what this thing is all about. Inviting someone to come with you to a big group of Christians (where they won’t be singled out) is a super way to share what’s most important to you. “Come and see” is what Philip said to Nathaniel and the rest was history as Nathaniel’s life took flight. But Philip had to open his mouth. The challenge of sharing the whole Christian message shouldn’t be on the individual believer’s shoulders alone. Let your church family support you. Bring someone along. Then introduce your friend to any of your unique and diverse brothers and sisters like Anita, Jacintha, Barbara, Jen, Riley, Christina, Bob, Vach, Will, Emily, Caleb, Steve, Teddy, Kat, Sonja and Caroline.

2. We’ll be sensitive to spiritually curious people in the service (the message especially).

After God speaks to all of us through the songs that Doumer and John pick out, I’ll spend the first part of the message talking mostly to people who aren’t sure about Jesus. I won’t do it in a weird or embarrassing way, at least I’ll try not to! Tell me afterwards if I succeeded. Our goal is that you’ll be able to sit next to your Nathaniel-like friend and NOT feel like you want to sink into a hole in the floor.

Of course, the message will be for you as well, Christ follower. In the scene we’ll look at, God’s merciful method for recovering people is revealed in a very mysterious way, that is, when a man delivers a prophecy and is totally unaware of what he’s saying. What he says shocks the mind and melts the heart.

3. We have our Fresh Start Fest right after the service.  

Here’s the third reason to bring someone along this Sunday. Your friend[s] can hang out with us for 80ish minutes after church, and see, hear and meet ordinary Christians like us as we have a fun and meaningful time together in the Activities Center.

By the way, Fresh Start Fest will be short and sweet when it comes to the organized or “program” part. Lunch, game, (re)dedication stuff (you won’t be singled out, but you can participate), songs, and then we’ll spring ya’ loose!  Of course, you can stay after if you want and schmooze with friends new and old. But for you introverts or those with young kids, you can bolt.

“I didn’t RSVP yet? Can I still come and eat?” 

Well, here’s the situation. We’re about maxed out for food, so we won’t do any more formal RSVPs. We’re just about at the 200 limit. But please, please come on by and we’ll trust Jesus to multiply the loaves and fishes!

“How can I prepare to participate in the rededication part?” 

Great question! Please share with us in a sentence or two (or longer if you’d like – let the Spirit lead you) how you sense God is leading you to renew your commitment to him in 2023 as together we REVIVE, REFRESH and REACH OUT. Please click on this FORM. If you registered to attend already, you can still fill out this form with your sharing since it’s separate from RSVPing. Here are two real examples:

  • “God has made me aware that I’m giving in to inward grumbling and I want to give that up. I want to maintain a thankful, positive heart that praises God.”
  • “Rededication? I just renewed my vows with my husband, committing afresh to be with him in sickness or in health, whatever life brings.”

It doesn’t have to be big, dramatic and extreme. It can be fuzzy. But try to tell us how might God be leading you to follow his Son more closely this year. Again, click on the link to the form above.

OK, that’s it for now.

Because King Jesus raised us to be a temple,

P.S. Click HERE to see what we need for the Shepherd’s Table Food Pantry. Again, please bring supplies to the table on the patio with the small sign that says “Shepherd’s Table Drop-Offs.”

By the way, you can contact us via email at, or message (650) 383-8097, and we will respond as quickly as possible.