Now you see me…

At one critical point in our dating relationship, Valorie and I were going to spend a significant amount of time apart. She was going to Northern Brazil for the dedication of the Bible into the Canela language, the culmination of her parents’ lifework in translating. I was headed to Argentina, leading a team of college students on a short-term missions trip. As we waited in the Rio airport for our planes to go in separate directions, it seemed like every word mattered. (This was back when there was no such thing as video chats or texts, and when phone calls cost $3 per minute overseas.) I remember the time flying by as we talked. Finally, our long farewell was over, and we boarded our planes and left.

John 16 has been called the “Farewell Discourse” because Jesus is literally giving the disciples his last words before he ends in prayer, is arrested, crucified and dies. The disciples are scared, overwhelmed with grief, and full of doubts. In fact, he tells them that they’ll all desert him in his hour of greatest need…

As we saw last week, Jesus reminds them beforehand of the promised Holy Spirit who will “come alongside” them in their hour of need. We continue this Sunday in John 16 to learn more about how the Holy Spirit works and six reasons why we need Him.

If parting is sweet sorrow, then reuniting is even more joyful! Of course, Jesus returned to his disciples after the resurrection and, with the Holy Spirit, transformed them from a group of cowards and misfits to a force that would turn the world upside down. May the same be true of us today!

In Christ,