What did Mary know?

Like many of you, we’ve received a number of Christmas cards with beautiful calligraphy, profound Bible verses, and lovely poetry. But many are also filled with inaccurate historical representations of what the Bible tells us about the birth of Christ. For many of us, our understanding of the events around Jesus’s birth have been shaped more by tradition, carols, Christmas plays, and holiday cards, than by the Scriptures.

If you’d like to take a little Christmas quiz, you can check it out here and get the answers on Sunday.

  1. Who told Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem?
  2. Who told Joseph the baby’s name was to be Jesus?
  3. T or F? Jesus never cried as a baby.
  4. What did the angels sing to the shepherds?
  5. How many wise men came to see Jesus?
  6. T or F? The Bible says Mary rode on a donkey on the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.
  7. What animals does the Bible say were present at the birth of Jesus?
  8. T or F? The innkeeper turned Mary and Joseph away, so Jesus had to be born in a barn.

We sometimes ask, “Mary did you know?”, but the truth is that she knew plenty about the things that were important. In Luke 1:26-38 we’ll see her deep faith and trust in God that started long before the angel showed up in Nazareth. She knew enough for God to trust her with the birth of the Savior of the World. She definitely qualifies for the “hall of fame” of faith in our series “Extraordinary Hope”!

See you Sunday,

P.S. You can still sign up for Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course offered at Valley Church starting Jan. 7th for 15 weeks. Scholarships are available. Contact me – Kurt@Valleychurch.org if you are interested, or you can sign up here – REGISTER. Early bird discount of $30 per person ends Jan 2. Learn more