Tigers and Lions!

I made a couple of new friends while I was in Zimbabwe. I am feeding one of them a bottle of milk. They are only 10 months old but besides getting fed a bottle of milk, they already consume 11 pounds of meat a day. If I look a little sheepish it is for good reason.

Last Sunday Kurt’s sermon dealt with 8 different kinds of fears. I think a healthy fear of Tigers and Lions would qualify!

We are ending our study from Hebrews 11-13 a week from Sunday and the writer warns about “strange teachings!” The Jesus followers in the first century were not just facing strange teachings but “doctrines of demons.”

Paul writes in 2 Tim. 4:17 that he “was rescued out of the lion’s mouth.” It is a metaphorical statement regarding “extreme danger.” Some scholars suggest that the “lion” could refer to the Roman emperor Nero, who was known for his brutal persecution of Christians. Being “delivered from the lion’s mouth” might imply that Paul was spared from immediate execution or a particularly brutal form of death, such as being thrown to literal lions in the arena, which was a known fate for some Christians.

Friends we are being fed all kinds of lies regarding the “gospel” and the undermining of the Word of God has never been more prevalent. Peter reminds us that Satan prowls about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. Lions and Tigers are not pets, they are wild animals and must be respected.

In our closing chapters in Hebrews all Christ followers are exhorted to “fear the Lord” because our God is a consuming fire. We are to respect, honor, reverence our Master and live a life pleasing to our Savior and King.

We had a great Mother’s Day last Sunday. We saved some Valley children’s artwork from year’s past, celebrating our Mothers. To view a video of these drawings regarding their mothers, click HERE. Check it out and I hope you join us this Sunday.

Because His lovingkindness is everlasting,