Hey Family,
I was sitting in church a few weeks ago thinking about this upcoming message from Ephesians 4 in our grace series. I had a sense of what the Lord wanted me to focus on: GOD’S VICTORY through his Son over all dark powers. Then, I got an unexpected confirmation. As I walked out, I saw Vince Moreno, one of our high school students. Vince is full of the Holy Spirit and very vocal about his faith. (He also plays baseball, the greatest sport). Anyway, check out his T-shirt.
Like going from first to third on a ball hit into the gap, I flew over to him and said, “Vince, I have to take your picture, because God just used you to confirm my theme for the July 14th message.” Maybe we can get him to share his testimony one of these days.
Here’s another guy who is following Jesus, Isaac Chen. He’s one of our summer interns. He’s going to preach the second part of the message this Sunday. Here’s a look at him studying our passage, Ephesians 4:7-13.
Speaking of young adults serving the Lord, here’s a picture from our staff meeting two weeks ago.
These two, Joana Chitihoti and Jordan Hahn, are also serving as interns this summer, ministering to students. Look at their marked-up Bibles. We were blessed by Joana’s story last week!
Because “Jesus wins,”