Thankful for Thanksgiving?

Dear friends,

“Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this”

Are you a thankful person?  King David said that he praised the Lord 7 times a day.  Gratitude must be one of the healthiest human emotions that one can experience in this fallen world. Webster says that gratitude is, “The acknowledgment of having received something good from another.”

We are currently in a study of perhaps the most misunderstood and neglected person of the Trinity – “The Holy Spirit.”  What do you think would be the “greatest” gift that God could gift give to His beloved children?  I might be able to anticipate your answer but then again I might be way off?

Hope to see you this Sunday and my title is, “For This He Came.” Consider inviting a friend to church, perhaps someone who could use some stress relief because “gratitude” is by far one of the best stress relievers on planet earth.

Forever grateful,
