Better late than never!

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the United Peoples of Jesus the Messiah (UPJM),

I’m sorry that I failed to send you a pre-Sunday message. So, to make it up to you, I’m hitting “send” on a post-Sunday greeting on this spectacular Tuesday morning.

First, I’m soaring today because strong chains of injustice were shattered yesterday in the life of one of our siblings in the family of God here at 10885 N. Stelling. Our Mighty One moved and I got to see it. There were four people praying diligently yesterday when the steal cracked. I know you don’t need more details to praise God with me. 

Second, speaking of soaring, it’s not too late to get submerged in water THIS SUNDAY to show your saving connection to Jesus our King. You’ll fly out of that water with fresh momentum to keep obeying the one who laid down his life for you. Remember the Acts 10 story we explored on Sunday. When the friends and relatives of Cornelius heard the message about Jesus, they believed and were baptized right away.

Acts 10:47-48 “Can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” 48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to remain for some days. 

Speaking of baptism, we showed Ashley Winsor’s baptism video to our Alpha friends last Tuesday. I just wonder what was going through their minds as they heard Ashley’s words about Jesus and saw her vanish and reappear with radiant joy. I think Jesus was radiant too, because a young woman was brave for him said: “I believe in Jesus!” Here’s a picture of some potential disciples listening to an actual one:

Again, to get baptized this Sunday, 11/24, please contact me by 12 PM today at or 669-721-1819. I know that’s just under three hours from now.

Third, after the services, I handed out a PERSONAL CONFESSION LETTER to middle school and high school students. If you didn’t get one and you’re young (or if you have a student in your life), please email me and I’ll send you one.

OK, I have to split now for staff prayer meeting. Please remember our minor takeaway from Sunday: “Surprises come down when God’s people talk up.” Both Cornelius and Peter were talking up when God tore down an ancient door of prejudice and hostility. What will God do for you TODAY if talk to him with humility and faith?

If you have a need or need a touch from God, please email me in the next 20 minutes so our team can share it with the Lord during our meeting.

Farewell for now,
