
Happy Thanksgiving,

Our news headlines have been dominated it seems with “impeachment.” Most of us are familiar with the normal definition, “The presentation of formal charges against a public official by the lower house, trial to be before the upper house.” Did you notice the last two words in the last sentence?  We will all stand one day before, “The Upper House” and charges will be leveled against us.  They will all be “formal charges” and the Judge will be completely impartial as He will judge righteously otherwise, He would deny Himself.  How will you fair?

Another definition of the word, impeachment is, “a demonstration that a witness is less worthy of belief.”  Bottom line – we are not only less worthy but totally “unworthy.” A plethora of witnesses could testify of my “unworthiness.” You could be called even if you don’t know me very well!

God would be completely just in throwing the book at me, locking me up and tossing the key into the abyss.   Guess what?  You would be my fellow inmate.  We were all a bunch of fugitives on the run and the God of grace hunted us down.  Then He gave us the faith to believe that the Lord Jesus was our only hope of “justification.”  He did it for you, He did for me and for the sins of the whole world.  I am “eternally thankful!”  Thanksgiving is far more than turkey with all the trimmings.  It is the act of acknowledging God’s manifold benefits, favors, blessings all due to His Divine kindness.  We should be thrilled!

This Sunday we conclude our fall series entitled, “Acting Out.”  I would like you to read Acts 20:17-38 before Sunday as it will be part 2 of “Behind Enemy Lines.”  In Acts 20 Paul could be tried for, “impreachment.” Ok, there is no such word – but preach, teach and testify about the Lord Jesus he did unashamedly!  May we emulate his example!

