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MasterClass is a streaming platform that makes it possible for anyone to watch or listen to hundreds of video lessons taught by 100+ of the world’s best. Each class is taught by a world-renowned expert in their field. You can learn to cook with Gordon Ramsey, make movies with Ron Howard, shoot 3 pointers with…
Dearly Beloved, Do you know what I know? You probably know more than I know, but perhaps you do not know how many kinds of bread there are in the world? Let me state as a fact that there are a ton! The goggle site that I checked on lists around 200 complete with pictures.…
Dear Valley Church Family, Advent is about anticipation of something great coming in the future… looking for the promise of Messiah in the middle of a long period of isolation from God. I think we can all understand that with COVID on the upswing and regulations getting more and more restrictive. The prophet Isaiah said,…
Dear friends, Is Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God? Christianity stands and fails on this one question! If Jesus is not the Messiah and the Son of the living God, then the implications are devasting! If Jesus is not the promised Messiah, the King of the Jews and God manifested in the flesh then…
What has been your worst job? Several years ago there was a TV show called “Dirty Jobs”. For eight seasons the host, Mike Rowe, performed difficult, strange, dangerous, disgusting or messy occupations alongside the typical employees. These included sewer inspector, shark suit tester, worm dung farmer, and garbage pit technician. Nearly every job was even…
Dear Church Family: Archie Karas is famous for the largest and longest documented winning streak in casino gambling history, simply known as The Run, when he drove to Las Vegas with $50 in December 1992 and then turned a $10,000 loan into more than $40 million by the beginning of 1995. He was a “high…
Do you have a life verse? If not, how about this one, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves?” I have heard a lot of people share with me their life verse, but I have never heard of anyone claiming Matt. 10:16? Kurt reminded us last week that the “persecuted…
Dear friends, People across the US are casting their ballots as I type. All of us are making choices based on our individual beliefs, values, principles, and convictions which we call a worldview. There are Christ followers on both sides of the aisle praying as Patty did early this morning! Millions will be rejoicing, and…
Dearly beloved, To be loved dearly by someone probably is the closest thing to heaven on earth! But to be loved unconditionally as well as eternally by Someone whose sovereignty rules over all is the greatest news possible! Last Sunday the message title was, “A Profile of a Christ Follower.” I asked everyone to think…
Dear friends, We have 6 nays and 12 ayes, so the ayes have it – the “yes” votes win! Aye is an archaic or dialect word meaning ‘yes’ now used in standard speech when voting! Election day is almost upon us and I urge you to vote! Since coming to Valley I think we have had 6…