Share everything. Play fair. Don’t hit people. Clean up your own mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Take a nap. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. If these tidbits of wisdom sound familiar, it’s probably because they were taught to you at a young age.…
You can tell a lot about someone from the way they walk. The way you walk is something of an indicator as to your life story and your current state of mind – your age, health, mood, and tension level to name a few. Is someone skipping for joy, dragging in the dumps, in a…
Dear friends, On the 16th of this month early in the morning Patty and I read Psalm 16. It is a Psalm of king David entitled, “The LORD the Psalmist’s Portion in Life and Deliverer in Death.” Bottom line – we need Him in life and we certainly will need Him when we take our…
Dear friends, For many of us it is time to put away all the Christmas decorations and take one last look at the various Christmas cards we received from friends far and wide. I have a great deal of affection for these friends and family members, and I long to be with them on a…
Dear friends, Will 2019 be an “unhappy or happy new year?” I am not a prophet so I am not making any predictions for you or for me. I can confidently say however that if you are a “Jesus follower” 2019 can be a joy-filled year! If you looked up joy in the dictionary you…
The Christmas tree was lit, the tinsel was glistening, the presents were piled up under the tree. You got up early Christmas morning before everyone else was up and, oh so carefully, examining one particular present with your name on it. Although you were too afraid to unwrap it before you were supposed to, you…
Dear friends, Christmas Eve is the most common day of the year to suffer a heart attack, researchers have found. A study done in Sweden over 16 years compared the dates and times of 280,000 heart attacks. They found heart attacks peaked at 10 pm on December 24. The researchers, led by experts at the…
Strengths Finder, Enneagram, DISC… all of these are tests designed to help understand yourself better. One of the most popular is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Their website claims that over 153 million people have taken their test. ( You can take a short online test that will ask you a variety of questions and…
“God, who do you want me to marry?” Like most people in their mid 20’s, I had asked God this question too many times to count. I was following hard after God and deeply wanted to please the Lord. I knew that besides following Christ, who you marry is one of the most important decisions…
Dear friends, Are you sick? Sick and tired of the status quo? Have you been thinking that there must be something more? Is your life full but not fulfilling? Is there a haunting hollowness inside? Our pursuit of personal fulfillment and significance goes far beyond what Silicon Valley has to offer. When God said, “It…