Pastor’s Message (Page 35)

I do it MYSELF!

Parents love to see their young children learning new skills – feeding themselves, reading “c-a-t”, or putting their own shoes on. When our kids got to be a certain age, they had a favorite saying. It came a little bit after some of their other favorites, “Mine!” and “No!”. The saying was, “I do it…

Mystery and Romance

Do you like a good mystery? Maybe you would prefer a nice romance novel instead? Mystery: Something not understood or beyond understanding A piece of fiction dealing usually with the solution of a mysterious crime A religious truth that one can know only by revelation like the Trinity Something profound, inexplicable, or secretive quality or character Romance:…

Got power?

Today you see more and more electric vehicles on the road. Since electric charging stations are fewer and substantially slower than gas stations, those drivers carefully think through each trip and how much battery power they have left over when they return home. It’s not like you can bring a “can” of electric power to…

How ya’ doin’?

If someone asks, “How ya’ doin?” (How are you doing?), the typical answer is “fine,” right? The reason for the vague answer is that it’s really just a way of acknowledging someone’s presence, not a genuine question of interest regarding the other person’s well-being. In the Philippines, a similar question is “Saan ka pupunta?” or…

A Money Back Guarantee

Dearly beloved, When is the last time you cashed in on a “money-back guarantee?”   It’s a great thing! You buy a product, but something goes wrong with it within the time of the guarantee. You take it back to the store and they either give you your money back, or replace the product with one…

Surrender to Love!

Dearly beloved, “Surrender to Love” is a title of a book that I just picked up from my desk! It is written by David Benner and deals with, “Discovering the Heart of Christian Spirituality.” The book was a gift from someone who loves me! Professor Gary Oliver says: “The tragic reality is that most people…

What Do You Know For Sure?

Dearly beloved, “What do you know for sure?”  My grandpa used to ask me that question sometimes! It was kind of a greeting like, “what’s happening” or “what’s up!” What do you know for sure?  What are you absolutely certain of? Our new series in Philippians is, “The Disciple’s Path to Glory.” Are you convinced…