Dear soldiers, Following Jesus in this crooked, twisted and evil world mandates that we choose “the narrow path” each and every day. The broad path leads to destruction and multitudes are on that path blindly following blind men. The destination is not in question – the pit! Jesus tells a parable regarding the wheat and…
Dear friends, “Life can turn on a dime!” This may be the first time some of you have ever heard this expression? It means that “life is often governed by very small events,” just like a dime is a small coin. I was at the gym chatting with a couple of people when a Nigerian…
Dear friends, Is everyday an “Easter Day” for you? “When they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her (Mary), they refused to believe it.” Mark 16:11 The disciples refused to believe that Jesus was alive – do you believe it? Do you believe He is alive in you? He either is…
Dear sojourners, People sometimes say, “what is this world coming to? To an end! If you asked me this question, “Glen are we living in the last days?” I would respond by saying, “I don’t know about the last of the last days, but I do know that you and I are living in our…
Dear friends, Slow down please! I was headed to 24-hour fitness a few years ago on De Anza/Sunnyvale when all of a sudden I was passed by someone who was well over the speed limit – I’m talking well over! Of course, I always drive the speed limit. Just ask Patty as I’m quite sure…
Dear friends, Got any secrets? If so, who are you keeping them from? God would be a poor choice as He knows your thoughts before you think them, your words before you speak them, your deeds before you do them and your choices before you make them. A secret is something kept from knowledge or…
Dear friends, You can’t escape! It is an impossibility! You may think you can, but I am telling you that you don’t stand “a ghost of a chance!” Paul in our study in Philippians deals with a lot of “certainties.” Here is one what every person who has ever lived will participate in: “So that…
Dear friends, On the 16th of this month early in the morning Patty and I read Psalm 16. It is a Psalm of king David entitled, “The LORD the Psalmist’s Portion in Life and Deliverer in Death.” Bottom line – we need Him in life and we certainly will need Him when we take our…
Dear friends, For many of us it is time to put away all the Christmas decorations and take one last look at the various Christmas cards we received from friends far and wide. I have a great deal of affection for these friends and family members, and I long to be with them on a…
Dear friends, Will 2019 be an “unhappy or happy new year?” I am not a prophet so I am not making any predictions for you or for me. I can confidently say however that if you are a “Jesus follower” 2019 can be a joy-filled year! If you looked up joy in the dictionary you…