Posts from July 2017

Bird Songs and Bee Stings

Dear Church Family, I saw this cartoon in a magazine the other day. It shows a man sitting in an office cubicle with a beard of stinging insects. Perched around him are a variety of flying creatures. His boss approaches and says: “Roger, I think it’s time we had a little talk about the birds…

Are you smart?

How would you fill in the following sentences? Don’t bite the hand that… Where there’s smoke, there’s… A penny saved is… Even if you don’t know these particular sayings of wisdom, no doubt you grew up hearing things that were like them — practical knowledge summarized in succinct sayings, designed to be helpful and memorable.…

Dash and Dot

Dear Church Family, I like aphorisms, slogans, sayings of all kinds. One of my favorite three-part sayings relates to our faith. Here it goes: “Christianity is a venture, not an event, a process, not a point in time, a dash, not a dot.” Anyway, I took a run through my neighborhood the other day —…