Hi Brothers and Sisters,
Do you like riddles? This Sunday, our Lord has a doozy for us. It’s a delightfully enigmatic teaching that Jesus gives to the puzzled disciples of John who (I think) pull Jesus out of Matthew’s banquet because they just have to ask him a big question. Jesus answers mysteriously, with (I think) a smile on his face and a gleam in his eye. His followers have pondered these three verses for over 2,000 years. You can noodle on it yourself before Sunday. It’s found in Matthew 9:14-17. We’ll try to crack the case ourselves, while being amazed at the wisdom and grace of the Special One who spoke it. Hey, get a look at this picture.
First, notice the Ziploc bag. It contains a Children’s Worship Bulletin with a packet of three crayons and two wikki stix. (If you don’t know what wikki stix are, ask a person under ten.) I just asked Rachael and she gave me this description, “You bend them. You style them. You put them in different positions.” Hmm…mysterious. If you come to Church on the Grass, Louise and SiuLin will have this packet for your kids.
Second, notice the blank color page with the child reading a book of Bible stories on his bed. The caption says: “I want to follow Jesus. He is God’s Son.” This kid is right on with his spiritual recognition about the true identity of Jesus. In fact, he (and we) sees what many servants of God hoped to see as they looked into the future from their pre-incarnation places in history.
“For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it” (Matt. 13:17).
How privileged we all are to live when we do.
By the way, I’ll ask Louise and SiuLin to put out extra color pages and crayons on the Church on the Grass Registration table. So, if you enjoy coloring, please go right ahead and grab some supplies. I would be happy for you to color while listening!
Third, speaking again of color (I guess it’s a theme), please download a copy of the multi-colored sermon notes from the church website OR — if you’re attending Church on the Grass — please grab one from the registration table when you pick up your name tag. I think that having your notes in front of you will help you get more out of the message. Also, the notes highlight two exciting ministry opportunities.
(We said in our Church on the Grass reminder email that we WON’T have sermon available on Sunday. Actually, we will have them available this week.)
Speaking of ministry opportunities, Larry Walters has iron-sharp words for us. It’s actually part teaching, part testimony and it fits the sermon “to a T.” OK, that’s it for now.
Your brother in Christ,