Did you take music lessons as a kid? We know Glen took piano lessons but it didn’t stick! Same with me! Seven years of piano scales, musical theory, and subjecting my parents to hours of piano practice! I don’t remember much of it, but I do know this. God gave His creation a beautiful gift when He granted us the capacity to make and enjoy good music. Recently I have been realizing how important psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19) are for my spiritual health. There’s something about how it all works together that raises my head, heart, and soul.
One of those elements is harmony. The dictionary defines it as “the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect.” I can’t tell you why or how “harmony” is made or why it sounds good, but I know it when I hear it!
In 1 Peter 3:8-12 Peter describes how to make harmony in relationships both in the church and in the world around us. It’s not about musical notes, it’s about how to make LIFE work. Don’t be fooled, there is no easy answer regardless of how long you’ve been practicing. All of us have the capacity to go sharp or flat with our words and deeds. The results not only don’t sound good, they create dissonance – clashing notes that create tension, division, and conflict.
But God has a plan for overcoming all of our noise. It’s called the Gospel. His plan to reconcile His creation to himself through the beautiful and transforming melody of Jesus Christ. Peter describes how we can bring that healing song to our hearts, our homes, our churches, and even to a hostile world around us! You know the world is listening and watching!
I hope you’ll join us this weekend online or in person. You’ll have a chance to sing along, clap your hands, tap your feet, sing some harmonies, all while worshipping the Lord. And our song together will be better because you are a part of it.
In Christ,
Church on the Grass – Outdoor worship service this Sunday, April 18 at 10:45 am. Bring your own lawn chair and/or blanket. Register ASAP with this LINK. You can also register via the website. Please read through the instructions on safety before you attend. If you are unable to join the outdoor service, please attend one of our two online options. Just visit valleychurch.org and click on the colorful Join us online banner.