A Parting Prayer

I don’t know where it started, probably very early in our married life… We began long trips away from home with two things: 1. Our trip checklist. 2. Our prayer. The checklist has all those things you forget otherwise – you know, phone charger, band-aids, and an extra set of earplugs. Once all of those are packed and we’re sitting in the car, then we pray for safety, no missed connections, easy flights, and smooth sailing.

Jesus is doing something similar with the disciples just before his arrest, crucifixion, and burial. He’s already covered all the essentials in John 16, so the disciples will be equipped and empowered during his absence. Then in chapter 17 he prays for them, but not in the ways that you do before you leave on a trip. Jesus lets the disciples know the road ahead of them is going to be difficult. So, he prays for the two most important things they (and you) need for the journey through life. Read John 17:1-12 in preparation of our time together in God’s Word on Sunday.

Don’t forget, it’s Father’s Day! Come early at 10:00 am on the grass. Dads, come and let our children serve you a cool drink and sweet treat and honor you with a gift. All are invited!

In Christ,