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The life of Carol Swain is one of the most inspiring stories I’ve ever heard. Born into a family of 12 children in the backwoods of Virginia, Carol grew up without adequate food, clothing, education, indoor plumbing or running water. Eventually she dropped out of school in the ninth grade, was married at 16, had…
By any objective standard Cooper Kupp should be one of the most “fulfilled” people on the face of the earth. I freely confess I’m no sports fan, but we have kind and generous friends who let us watch the Super Bowl with them (and eat their snacks) while they patiently explained the game and the…
Dear Worshippers, Jesus’ resolution to die was not some whimsical decision that He made on the spur of the moment. On the contrary, it was foretold by the prophets and thus a necessity. Doctor Luke put it this way, “As the time approached for Him (Jesus) to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set…
Dear Friends, “Contents under pressure. Handle with care” – Have you ever felt like that warning label applies to YOU? For the last five weeks we’ve been talking about living under the pressures of being afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, and struck down. We’ve learned that through our deep faith, we can trust God and His promises.…
Dear Teammates, Are you winning? To answer that question, one needs more information and perhaps even a matrix. I first met Dave Rousseau in Zimbabwe in 1996 and he has become my best friend. Dave and his wife Sue have served with TEAM for 30 years in Zimbabwe and Africa. Over the years Dave regularly…
This morning on the news I read the story of Hassan, the 11-year-old Ukrainian boy who traveled ALONE for 600 miles over 4 days with just a bag, a passport, and a phone number written on his hand. He is one of an estimated 3 million Ukrainians who are fleeing the Russian invasion that is…
Hi everyone! Back in 2001, I was volunteering with a Stanford campus ministry while serving at a local church. My colleague loved the worship music of David Crowder and soon I did too. Here’s a picture of David Crowder that I found online: Somehow our church arranged (along with some campus ministries) to have David…
Dear Soldiers, I just read this headline a half hour ago, “Ukrainians from all walks of life answer the call, take up arms against Russia.” No Ukrainian male between 16-60 is allowed to leave their country! To say that Ukrainians are in a life and death battle is an understatement. Men, women, and children are…
Like many of you, I’ve watched the news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine with a heavy heart. I’ve received requests for prayer from friends and ministry partners for Ukraine from all over the world. The pictures of explosions and destroyed buildings in Kiev and Kryvyi Rih bring back memories for Valorie and me of…
As I have met people on my travels to various places around the world, they eventually find out where I’m from. While it doesn’t happen as much as it used to, many people would say, “Oh haha, then, ‘Do you know the way to San Jose?’”, like I’d never heard that before! The 1968 song…