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A guy named John is asked “Who are you?” and is given a whole bunch of options to choose from. Each choice would reveal something about him, but none of them would reveal the MOST important element of who he really is. This Sunday we’ll cover chapter 23 in The Story and see the very…
Dear Church Family, I hope your soul is strong and vibrant. I talked to Anna Aseltine on the phone last Tuesday as I was driving around. Let me just say, I she think she charged up my iPhone with her electricity and zeal for the Lord. And she charged me up too. I felt a fresh…
We’ve all seen the pictures – frightened and desperate people, often carrying all of their belongings on their backs; parents trying to comfort their children but without certainty about what lies ahead of them. They often have had to flee with little more than the clothes on their back, leaving behind homes, possessions, jobs and…
Dearly Beloved, Fill in the blank, “If it ain’t broken don’t __________? What if it is broken? Most of us would respond by saying, “then fix it!” However, there are some things that are exceedingly difficult to fix, and broken relationships top the list. The history of human life from Adam and Eve forward is…
Happy New Year, The Lord of heaven and earth does not pull any punches! You may not be familiar with that phrase, but it means “to behave unrestrainedly, holding nothing back.” This expression comes from boxing, where to pull one’s punches means “to hit less hard than one can.” We find ourselves in the 17th…
Hey Church Family, Starry Night weather update This just in – a little change in plans. Because of the weather, we’ll move the “program” part of Starry Night (starting at 5:00 PM) inside the Worship Center. As for the activities starting at 4:00 PM, we’ll be outside under the stars (children’s crafts, cookies and hot…
Dearly Beloved, Merry Christmas! I hope you have not only a special Christmas but a “blessed Christmas.” I can assure you that it can become reality for you, as I have it on good authority, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and heeds the things which are…
I’ve always enjoyed discovering unusual street signs. Most of us who live in the south Bay Area have taken a second look at this sign on Quito road in Saratoga and thought twice about how fast we were going around that turn. Whether they were intentionally done this way, or better yet, UNINTENTIONALLY, they are…
Dear Family, I just flipped on my AC because it’s a little warm today on this first day of December. My weather app says it’s 75 degrees. NEVERTHELESS…Christmas is marching towards us with a steady, little-drummer-boy beat. It’s less than a month away. Last night we decorated a little Christmas tree in our living room…
Several years ago we did some work on our house. We were very surprised to find out that the simple remodeling we wanted to do required extensive engineering, permitting, and most of all, enormous amounts of concrete to reinforce the foundation. I don’t know what the building permit process was like in ancient Jerusalem; I…