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Ever had “pink eye” as a kid? Yes, that irritating and painful itching eye infection. Most of you probably went to the doctor and got some salve and in a few days, it was on the mend. For 84 million people worldwide, mostly children, it’s a different story. They start out the same way you…
It was a beautiful day with the sun shining and a gentle breeze blowing at Stanford University. My heart was racing as I took to the blocks for the final race of my high school swimming career and, believe me, I felt the pressure of that moment. Four years of hard work, riding my bike…
Hey Church Family, Before I forget, I just got a call from Tim Gildersleeve that our Shepherd’s Table Food Pantry is a little low. Let’s restock this week and next. Please drop off supplies (see the list of needed items at the bottom of this message) at the table on the patio with the sign…
It was the New York Yankees against the Chicago Cubs in the fifth inning of Game 3 of the World Series, held on October 1, 1932, at Wrigley Field in Chicago. With the score tied 4-4 in the fifth inning of game three, Ruth took strike one from pitcher Charlie Root. All the reports say…
When I was a young pastor, I needed lots of help navigating the more difficult parts of caring for a flock of people. I had been thoroughly trained in Biblical exegesis, leadership principles, Biblical languages, counseling, cross cultural skills, and a host of other academic exercises designed to equip Bible college and seminary students. But…
Dearly Beloved, What are you rooted and grounded in? Today’s culture, fads, fashions, and traditions? Every human being possesses a Worldview. The Worldview to which we hold shapes the bulk of our identity and is formed over time by family, friends, community, education, and our life experiences. Our beliefs, values, principles, and convictions form our…
Dear Beloved, How secure are you in your relationship with the Creator of the universe, the Savior of the world, and the One who has the keys to death and hades? How well do you know Him and how often do you communicate with Him? Those questions are not trivial. We come to John chapter…
It was the early 1800s when Charles Barbier responded to a call from Napoleon Bonaparte to develop a way for his military units to communicate at night without light. Barbier modified a technique originally developed by the ancient Greeks, but his attempts were deemed impractical. It wasn’t until 1824 when Barbier employed the help of…
Why do we love Christmas lights so much? Somehow they communicate joy and festivity around our celebrations of the birth of Jesus. Considering that yesterday was the shortest (and darkest) day of the year, who wouldn’t want more light? Germany is credited with starting the Christmas tree tradition in the 16th century when devout Christians…
As a senior in Bible college, I had the opportunity to live with a retired gentleman and his wife, Vaughn and Helen Terrell. When I met him, he and Helen were serving as volunteers in a local ministry and renting rooms of their small home out to college students like me, especially those headed for…