Homepage (Page 11)

Confusion and Conflict?

Hotly contested topics being adamantly discussed, often with incomplete information in an environment of fear and distrust. Does that sound familiar? Surprisingly enough Jesus wasn’t afraid to make groups of people confused and conflicted. Their opinions about what he said ranged from mildly interested to totally ignorant to angry. John 7:43 says, “So a dissension…

Are you an alien?

Dear Aliens, Do you consider yourself to be an “alien?” I was chatting with a young man at 24 Hour Fitness recently and our conversation drifted into how the universe came into existence in the first place. I said to him, “Who made this iPhone?” His response was, “an alien.”  Well, he did answer my…

Jesus the Bread of Life

Who doesn’t love bread? It’s a staple of life the world over. The varieties and shapes of bread reflect the diversity of world culture: Jewish challah, Russian rye, German pumpernickel, French baguettes, Italian focaccia, Irish soda, Arabian pita, Indian chapati, Mexican tortilla, American Wonder. The point? EVERYONE eats BREAD!!! Each American consumes, on average, 53…