Pastor’s Message (Page 34)

Do you like to wait?

Have you done any waiting recently? Waiting for that turkey to come out of the oven on Thursday? Waiting for friends or family to arrive from a journey? Waiting for an image to load? Waiting for your favorite store to open? In 2014 one man in San Jose took Black Friday waiting to a whole…

One day per year?

While facing tremendous national and personal distress over the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had learned how important it is to stop and thank God. On October 3, 1863 he established the national celebration of Thanksgiving. “It has seemed to me fit and proper that [the gifts of God] should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged…

Rejoicing or Weeping?

Yesterday I talked to my next door neighbor how she felt about last Tuesday’s presidential election. I asked, “Are you rejoicing or weeping?” (She was sad, but not quite weeping.) I had just read Romans 12:15 which says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” In the wake of a very contentious…

Prepare for “Scare”

Dear Church Family, Prepare for “scare.” This weekend when you go about your business look out: you’re going to see lots of people in freaky costumes and ugly masks. And it gets worse, because on Monday night others will be pounding on your door, demanding treats lest they play some haunting trick on you. (Hey,…

Faith Through Suffering

This Sunday we will join with thousands of Christians around the world to pray for the persecuted church. Over the next several weeks the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is encouraging all Christians to lift up their brothers and sisters who are suffering for Christ. · Pray that persecuted believers would know…

Are you ready?

On a summer day in Enfield, Connecticut, a preacher delivered a sermon by reading calmly from his notes without theatrics, gestures, power point, video, or anything other than the Word of God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. The message so deeply touched people that they threw themselves on the floor, sobbing with repentance.…

Discovering Vision in a Toxic Culture

In the middle of all the turmoil we’re in, our nation needs prayer. This week there has been racial hatred, two African American men killed by police, protests in major cities across the country, and five officers killed in a sniper shooting.  It’s enough to make you bar the door, draw the blinds, and hide!…

Vamos Amigos!

Dear Valley Church family and friends, Thank you so much for your prayers and support for our LOL Mexico team. Please continue to pray for our team of 43 as we leave on Sunday. We wanted to tell you a little about the family we’ll be building the home for in Ensenada. Rodrigo and Ivonn…

Living for Christ in a Toxic Culture

Look up the definition of the word “toxic” and here is what you will find: containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation; extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful. Open the newspaper today and you’ll have no doubt that we live in a “harsh, malicious, and harmful” world. Mass shootings,…