Sunday Worship (Page 17)

Let’s celebrate the world’s King

Hey Church Family, Starry Night weather update This just in – a little change in plans. Because of the weather, we’ll move the “program” part of Starry Night (starting at 5:00 PM) inside the Worship Center. As for the activities starting at 4:00 PM, we’ll be outside under the stars (children’s crafts, cookies and hot…

Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat!

Dear Family, I just flipped on my AC because it’s a little warm today on this first day of December. My weather app says it’s 75 degrees. NEVERTHELESS…Christmas is marching towards us with a steady, little-drummer-boy beat. It’s less than a month away. Last night we decorated a little Christmas tree in our living room…

What’s bothering you?

Dearly Beloved, What is bothering you? Anything eating away at you? Is there someone pestering or provoking you? This morning in my quiet time Jesus stated emphatically to a beloved woman, “you are worried and bothered about so many things, but only one thing is necessary.” The opposite of necessary is unimportant, secondary, trivial, insignificant, useless, and needless! Our world…