Sunday Worship (Page 27)


Dear friends, Some time ago, while I was driving south on 101 in Mill Valley, I saw a road sign that read, ‘Rough Road Ahead’!  I thought, man, what an appropriate sign for life and sometimes what we experience. Some 918 people may have had warning signs going off inside, but perished because of one…

Let’s be thankful disciples!

Dear friends, “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus!” Thanksgiving isn’t a once-a-year celebration for anyone who calls themselves a disciple of the Lord Jesus. It should be a daily reality! I can almost hear someone somewhere saying, “Glen, you have no idea about what I…


Dear Friends, By now most of us have heard of someone we know who has suffered loss due to the “raging fires!” Questions abound when tragedies like Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Las Vegas and now Northern CA take place! Answers however are in short supply! The word “fire” is mentioned 519 times in my…

Santa or Jesus?

Santa or Jesus?  Well that would be a choice between history and fantasy!  Many people choose fantasy over reality not only at Christmas but throughout the year! How do you picture Santa?  Can you describe him in less than 20 words?  How about describing God to someone in less than 20 words in 30 seconds?  Suppose I asked you…