Church Events (Page 2)

Here you can find the events that are coming up in the life of Valley Church ministries. You can search for specific ones you are interested from the list on the right, see our Highlighted events, or see a Monthly Calendar. Each event should have a place to find out more information about how to attend or get more involved.

Come and join us!


HSM Sunday Morning Worship

Join us on Sunday mornings for a time of music, teaching, and discussion. This is a chance for you to grow in your spiritual life and connect with some great people.

Ministry Fair

Please join us on Sunday, January 26 (immediately following our worship service), for our Ministry Fair in the Campus Center. This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to meet face-to-face with a wide variety of our fantastic ministry leaders, as well as discover ways you can make an immediate impact by participating in and…

HSM LifeGroups

LifeGroups are intentional communities centered around learning scripture and building community. LifeGroups meet at different times and places throughout the week but many happen on Sunday nights from 7-9 pm. If you are looking to go deeper in your faith or make some true friends, join a LifeGroup.

Sisters’ Craft – Valentine’s Cards

Join us for a fun and creative evening at our Sister’s Valentine’s Card-Making Event led by Patti McLaughlin. Happening on Saturday, February 3rd, in the Campus Center at 7 PM. This is the perfect chance to craft beautiful cards while enjoying great fellowship. Registration is just $5 and includes all materials and snacks. Don’t miss…

Valley Golden Agers Luncheon

Valley Golden Agers meet second Fridays of the month in the Campus Center. Fellowship at 11:00 am; lunch at 12:00 noon. Cost: $10–Pay at the door. Sign up at the table in the lobby after worship service. Email for more information.

Pop-Up Clothing Closet

Exciting news! Valley Church will be providing a pop-up clothing closet with CityTeam on the second Friday of every month at 4:30 PM on the church patio. Valley Church does not accept clothing donations. All clothing donations should go to CityTeam for processing. Here’s the information.

MomCo: MNO

Join us for a Mom’s Night Out.  Come when you can, leave when you must.  Location:  nearby restaurant.  FMI: