
The Bible and the End Times

Taught by Jaime Burnett, this class will focus on the Blessed Hope of Christ’s return. We will review the big picture of the teachings of the church over time, and the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective. These are very edifying doctrines and there is room for differing thoughts and discussion as we look for…

Alpha Pre-Marriage Course

This is a practical six-session course for couples who are engaged or exploring the idea of marriage. It covers Communication, Conflict, Commitment, Connection, and Adventure. Questions and Sign-Ups, contact Kurt Jones.

Global Partners Potluck Lunch

Join us in the Campus Center after worship service for a potluck lunch and fellowship with our visiting global partners.  

Alpha Course

New to Christianity and have questions or want to know more about who Jesus is, join this Alpha course. For more information, contact Frank Chen.

Midweek Gathering

Join us for Bible study in the book of Romans, hymn singing and prayer, every Wednesday from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Worship Center. For more information, contact Frank Chen.  

Valley Golden Agers Luncheon

Valley Golden Agers meet second Fridays of the month in the Campus Center. Fellowship at 11:00 am; lunch at 12:00 noon. Cost: $10. Sign up at the table in the lobby after worship service. Email for more information.

Pop-Up Clothing Closet

Exciting news! Valley Church will be providing a pop-up clothing closet with CityTeam on the second Friday of every month at 4:30 PM on the church patio. Valley Church does not accept clothing donations. All clothing donations should go to CityTeam for processing. Here’s the information.

MomCo: MNO

Join us for a Mom’s Night Out.  Come when you can, leave when you must.  Location:  nearby restaurant.  FMI:


Come to MomCo – (formerly MOPS)! For moms of infants to elementary. Beginning September 5. MomsCo meets every 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 9:30-11:30 am in the Valley Church foyer. Childcare by registration. For more information MomCo.